March 16, 2022

Creation/ Flood to the Temple Foundation to 2033

More Evidence Supporting Biblical Time Pattern Design

The Biblical calendar of history reveals that the flood occurred in the year 4990 BC which was 6,023 years from the creation date of 11,013 BC

11,013 BC - 4990 BC = 6,023 years

We also know that from this date until the cross in 33 AD = 5,023 calendar years:

4990 + 33 = 5,023 calendar years

And, from the creation date to the cross = 11,045 / 11,046 years 

11,013 + 33 = 11,046 -1 (no year zero) = 11,045 actual years

Now, what if we go from the flood (4990 BC) to the year when the foundation of the temple was laid (967 BC): 

4990 BC - 967 BC = 4,023 years

Once again we find that the fullness of thousands was reached (4000) and then an additional 23 years followed. The 4,023 years matches the number from creation to the flood (6,023 years) and from the flood to the cross (5,023 cal. years).

What if we go from creation to the year the temple foundation was laid: 

11,013 BC - 967 BC = 10,046 years.

This also matches the length of time from creation to the cross (11,045/11,046). Of course we can readily see why the laying of the foundation and the death of Christ on the cross are tied together by these numbers: it is because the laying of the temple's foundation points to the death of Christ as His death provides the necessary foundation for the spiritual house of God.

Now let's see how these numbers project into the future: from the flood date (4990 BC) to the year Biblical evidence is indicating the world will end (2033 AD): 

4990 BC + 2033 AD = 7,023 calendar years

This matches the time lines from the flood to the temple foundation date (4,023 years) and the flood date to the cross (5,023 cal. years). 

Also, from creation to the year 2033 AD:

11,013 BC + 2033 AD = 13,045 / 13,046 years

The modifying number of 45/46 after the fullness of the thousand matches the time line from creation to the temple foundation date (10046 years) and from creation to the cross (11,045 / 11,046 years). 

This means that the year 2033 AD is a very special year as far as the Bible's own calendar of history is concerned.