Saturday May 15, 2021
Many speak of the end of God's salvation program in a disparaging way. They like to refer to God's elect people who speak of it as "no salvation teachers".
Yet, the reality is, that there is no more salvation because God has already saved everyone that was elected to receive salvation. Which means, that May 21, 2011 marks the time when salvation was completed. Therefore May 21, 2011 marks the day when salvation was accomplished to its utmost.
Its not possible to get any more salvation than that which God planned on.
May 21, 2011 is a time that ought to be celebrated and thought of with wonder. How wonderful it is that God chose a people for Himself and then proceeded to gather them together safe in Christ. How wonderful it is that God faithfully carried out this task to completion. How wonderful it is that God has now completed the first resurrection of His chosen people. How wonderful it is, because as He has faithfully performed the doing of that great work, we can know that He will equally perform the doing of the second resurrection by bringing to pass the salvation of His people's bodies on the last day.
Yes, sadly the door shut on that day of May 21, 2011. This is indeed sorrowful. But the reason the door shut on that day is glorious, and joyous, and super wonderful. Finally, God, who had worked in history for thousands of years to save His people, finished it and completed it. This is truly thankworthy and worthy of praise to the Lord.